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Privacy Notice

PDP (Personal Data Protection) Notice

The Use of PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta Services

PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta is a business entity engaged in Information and Communication Technology, hereinafter referred to as “We“.

PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta fully recognizes that Personal Data is a valuable asset and is committed to maintaining the confidentiality and protection of Your Personal Data.

PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta implements protection policies and practices in accordance with the PDP Law, for the processing of data related to the use of Our  services (hereinafter referred to as the “PDP Notice“).

This PDP Notice applies to all visitors and users of Our  Services, including:

  1. Data communication services (Connectivity).
  2. Data center facility services.
  3. Cyber security services.
  4. Cloud computing services.
  5. IT outsourcing services.
  6. Health information management system services.
  7. Recruitment portal.

(hereinafter referred to as the “Services”)

All visitors and users of the Services (Personal Data Subjects) who use Our  Services (hereinafter referred to as “You“).

Please read and understand this PDP Notice carefully so that You understand how Your Personal Data is processed.

This PDP Notice covers the following:

  1. Scope of the Privacy Notice

    This PDP Notice governs the policies and practices implemented by PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta as the Personal Data Controller in obtaining, correcting, updating, disseminating, displaying, announcing, transferring, disclosing, deleting, and destroying (hereinafter referred to as “Processing”) Your Personal Data.


  1. Rights of Personal Data Subjects

    As a Personal Data Subject, You have the right to:
    1. Obtain information about the clarity of identity, legal basis, purpose of request and use of Personal Data, and accountability of the party requesting Personal Data.
    2. Complete, update, and/or correct inaccuracies and/or errors in Your Personal Data in accordance with the purpose of processing the Personal Data.
    3. Access and obtain a copy of Your Personal Data in accordance with statutory provisions.
    4. Terminate the process, delete, and/or destroy Your Personal Data in accordance with statutory provisions.
    5. Withdraw consent for the processing of Your Personal Data given to the Personal Data Controller.
    6. Object to decisions made solely based on automated processing, including profiling, that has legal consequences or significantly affects the Personal Data Subject.
    7. Delay or limit the process of Personal Data proportionally in accordance with the purpose of processing the Personal Data.
    8. Obtain and/or use Your Personal Data from the Personal Data Controller in a format commonly used or readable by electronic systems.
    9. Use and transfer Your Personal Data to other Personal Data Controllers, provided that the systems used can communicate securely in accordance with the principles of Personal Data Protection (PDP) based on statutory provisions.
    10. Other rights as stipulated by applicable law, including but not limited to the PDP Law.


  1. Personal Data Processed

    obtain and collect information that identifies and/or can be identified individually or combined with other information directly or indirectly through electronic and/or non-electronic systems related to such information limited to the Services.

    The Personal Data collected and processed is Your Personal Data provided based on Your direct consent or contractually when registering or using Our Services through applications or Website portals We manage to provide Services to You such as,,,

    The Personal Data required by Us to provide Services includes general and specific Personal Data in accordance with the products You use, including:
    1. General Data such as:
      1. Full name.
      2. Mobile number.
      3. Email address.
      4. Office or home address.
      5. National Identity Number (KTP).

    2. Specific Data such as:
      1. Financial information like NPWP.


  1. Purpose of Processing Personal Data

    collect Personal Data for various purposes permitted by the laws and regulations applicable in the Republic of Indonesia.

    In processing Your Personal Data, We have the following purposes (“Purposes”):
    1. For marketing needs of Services and products offered by Us, including sending promotions, new products, news, surveys, and updates related to Our Services;
    2. To comply with statutory provisions;
    3. To provide Services to You;
    4. To resolve issues related to access to Services;
    5. For maintenance, enhancement, development, testing, and personalizing Our applications and Services to meet Your needs and preferences;
    6. For processing Personal Data to generate Your profile data as a Personal Data Subject;
    7. To invite You to events organized by Us.


  1. Storage of Personal Data

    We are committed to storing Your Personal Data with the best protection for as long as necessary to provide the Services. Some of the Personal Data may also be managed, processed, and stored by third parties cooperating with Us to maintain service performance while adhering to legal and regulatory obligations for access and effective oversight.

    We store Your Personal Data as mentioned above for as long as it is needed to achieve the purposes for which the Personal Data was collected, while You still use the Services, or as long as storage is required or permitted by the laws and regulations applicable in the Republic of Indonesia.

    We will cease processing Your Personal Data after reviewing the reasons that the collection of such Personal Data is no longer fulfilled with the related processing, and the processing is no longer necessary for legal and business purposes.


  1. Processing of Personal Data

    The basis for processing Personal Data by Us includes:
    • Explicit valid consent from the Personal Data Subject for one or more specific purposes communicated by Us to the Personal Data Subject;
    • Fulfillment of contractual obligations if the Personal Data Subject is a party or to fulfill the request of the Personal Data Subject when entering into an agreement;
    • Compliance with Our legal obligations under statutory provisions;
    • Fulfillment of other legitimate interests considering Our purposes, needs, and balance of interests with the rights of the Personal Data Subject.

The Personal Data Subject acknowledges and, if required by applicable Personal Data Protection regulations, in the following cases:

    1. For applicable legal interests and/or to respond to ongoing legal processes.
    2. To protect Our safety, the safety of the Personal Data Subject, or others, or for legitimate interests in the context of:
    3. National security.
    4. Law enforcement processes.
    5. State administration.
    6. Interests of monitoring the financial services sector, monetary, payment systems, and financial system stability.
    7. Aggregated data and its processing for statistical and scientific research purposes in state administration.
    8. Emergencies declared by the Government.
    9. For internal audit purposes within Our environment and affiliated copies.
    10. If necessary, in relation to legal proceedings filed against Us, officers, employees, affiliates, or other related third parties.
    11. To establish, implement, protect, maintain, and enforce Our legal rights.
    12. In processing data, We cooperate with other parties either as Joint Data Controllers or Personal Data Processors.
    13. In processing Personal Data with Our affiliated companies, We will only provide it in good faith in summary form based on legitimate legal interests.
    14. To disclose Your Personal Data to third parties to provide Services to You and assist the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and its supporting institutions in performing state functions.
    15. For certain Services, We need to process specific Personal Data, such as health-related information, genetics, biometric identifiers, and other required information. As far as We need Your explicit consent to process such data, We will seek it from You.


  1. Access to Personal Data

    We are committed to fulfilling Your right to access the Personal Data that is collected and processed. In fulfilling requests for access to Personal Data, We may deny requests if we find that the request for access to Personal Data meets one or more of the following conditions:

    • Endangers the security or physical or mental health of the Personal Data Subject and/or others.
    • Affects the disclosure of Personal Data belonging to others.
    • Contradicts the interests of national defense and security.

For more information related to requests for access to Personal Data, You can contact the communication channels listed below.


  1. Correction and Updating of Your Personal Data

    If You find inaccuracies in Your Personal Data due to inaccuracy or require updating of your Personal Data, You may request Us to correct, complete, and/or update the Personal Data under Our management by contacting the communication channels listed below.

    We will make corrections within 3 x 24 (three times twenty-four) hours from the time We receive the request for data update/correction that you sent.

    In the event of inaccuracies in the provision of Your Personal Data, We reserve the right to suspend the Service based on Our knowledge and considerations.

    We encourage You to play an active role in ensuring the accuracy and updating of Your Personal Data.


  1. Security and Confidentiality of Your Personal Data

The security and confidentiality of Your Personal Data are priorities for Us. We are committed to implementing the best efforts to protect and secure Personal Data from unauthorized access, collection, processing, analysis, storage, disclosure, correction, and deletion.

We continually update these measures, ensuring they align with the latest technology and best practices. While We strive to maintain the highest security standards, please remember that no system is completely secure.

In the event of unauthorized access and activities concerning the confidentiality of Personal Data that are beyond Our control, We will promptly notify You at the first opportunity to mitigate the risks arising from the incident. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Personal Data information, including safeguarding Your username, password, email, or OTP (One-Time Password) from anyone and always maintaining and being responsible for the security of the devices used.


  1. Deletion and Destruction of Personal Data

    In accordance with applicable laws and regulations or based on Our data retention policy, which is ten (10) years or as per Your request, We may delete and/or destroy Your Personal Data from our records so that it can no longer identify You, except in cases where it is necessary to fulfill legal obligations, for future proof, tax, audit, and accounting purposes.

    After We delete and/or destroy Your Personal Data, We will notify You via email at


  1. Changes to the Personal Data Protection Notice

    This Personal Data Protection (PDP) Notice may be updated and/or revised as needed. We recommend that You always read this carefully and check this page regularly to be aware of any changes to this policy.

    Regarding the use of Your Personal Data by Us, You have the right to:
    1. Request a copy of Your Personal Data.
    2. Request correction of incorrect data or completion of incomplete data.
    3. File a complaint with the Data Protection Authority or an independent regulator about the use of Your Personal Data.
    4. Request the deletion of Your Personal Data if it is no longer needed for the intended purpose or if there is no legal basis for processing or if it is not restricted by regulations.

You can submit a request at any time by sending a reasonable notice through the communication channels provided by Us.


  1. Withdrawal of Consent

    You can withdraw Your consent for the processing of Your Personal Data for promotional/marketing purposes by contacting us via email at


  1. Cookie Usage Policy

We use cookies to enhance Your experience on Our website, provide personalized ads or content, and analyze Our traffic.

This website uses cookies to distinguish You from other visitors to this website. This helps Us to provide a good experience when You use the website and also enables Us to improve the quality of Our services through the website.

You can choose to enable or disable some or all cookies, but disabling them may affect Your browsing experience.


  1. Contact Us

    If You have any questions related to this PDP notice, have a complaint related to Our services, and in connection with legal dispute resolution, please contact Us through the following communication channels:

Call Center: 14052


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