Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Private Cloud service dedicated to only one customer.
Object Storage service for managing corporate applications and data.
Private Cloud service with infrastructure based in Indonesia
GPU Cloud
Unlock the power of NVIDIA GPU Cloud solutions for AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science, enhancing your business efficiency and innovation.
Container-based Cloud Service to manage your company applications.
Container as a Service (CaaS) with features including source-to-image (S2I) creation, pipelines, application templates, and integration of various tools.
Data Analytics service based on Social Intelligence technology to generate analytical reports for your company’s brand from digital media.
Ready-to-use software services based on Artificial Intelligence technology for monitoring via live-video to gather attributes, events or patterns of specific behaviour.
Protects your IT infrastructure from malware.
Keep your web application available.
Protect your web application from hacking.
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Private Cloud service dedicated to only one customer.
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Container-based Cloud Service to manage your company applications.
Ready-to-use software services based on Artificial Intelligence technology for monitoring via live-video to gather attributes, events or patterns of specific behaviour.
Finance Non-Bank
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Private Cloud service dedicated to only one customer.
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Container-based Cloud Service to manage your company applications.
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Private Cloud service dedicated to only one customer.
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Object Storage service for managing corporate applications and data.
Container-based Cloud Service to manage your company applications.
Data Analytics service based on Social Intelligence technology to generate analytical reports for your company’s brand from digital media.
Ready-to-use software services based on Artificial Intelligence technology for monitoring via live-video to gather attributes, events or patterns of specific behaviour.
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Private Cloud service dedicated to only one customer.
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Ready-to-use software services based on Artificial Intelligence technology for monitoring via live-video to gather attributes, events or patterns of specific behaviour.
Higher Education
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Data Analytics service based on Social Intelligence technology to generate analytical reports for your company’s brand from digital media.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Data Analytics service based on Social Intelligence technology to generate analytical reports for your company’s brand from digital media.
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Private Cloud service dedicated to only one customer.
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Object Storage service for managing corporate applications and data.
Container-based Cloud Service to manage your company applications.
Digital Company
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Private Cloud service dedicated to only one customer.
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Container-based Cloud Service to manage your company applications.
Reseller & Wholesale
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Object Storage service for managing corporate applications and data.
Container-based Cloud Service to manage your company applications.
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Private Cloud service dedicated to only one customer.
Object Storage service for managing corporate applications and data.
Private Cloud service with infrastructure based in Indonesia
GPU Cloud
Unlock the power of NVIDIA GPU Cloud solutions for AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science, enhancing your business efficiency and innovation.
Container-based Cloud Service to manage your company applications.
Container as a Service (CaaS) with features including source-to-image (S2I) creation, pipelines, application templates, and integration of various tools.
Data Analytics service based on Social Intelligence technology to generate analytical reports for your company’s brand from digital media.
Ready-to-use software services based on Artificial Intelligence technology for monitoring via live-video to gather attributes, events or patterns of specific behaviour.
Protects your IT infrastructure from malware.
Keep your web application available.
Protect your web application from hacking.
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Private Cloud service dedicated to only one customer.
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Container-based Cloud Service to manage your company applications.
Ready-to-use software services based on Artificial Intelligence technology for monitoring via live-video to gather attributes, events or patterns of specific behaviour.
Finance Non-Bank
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Private Cloud service dedicated to only one customer.
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Container-based Cloud Service to manage your company applications.
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Private Cloud service dedicated to only one customer.
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Object Storage service for managing corporate applications and data.
Container-based Cloud Service to manage your company applications.
Data Analytics service based on Social Intelligence technology to generate analytical reports for your company’s brand from digital media.
Ready-to-use software services based on Artificial Intelligence technology for monitoring via live-video to gather attributes, events or patterns of specific behaviour.
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Private Cloud service dedicated to only one customer.
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Ready-to-use software services based on Artificial Intelligence technology for monitoring via live-video to gather attributes, events or patterns of specific behaviour.
Higher Education
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Data Analytics service based on Social Intelligence technology to generate analytical reports for your company’s brand from digital media.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Data Analytics service based on Social Intelligence technology to generate analytical reports for your company’s brand from digital media.
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Private Cloud service dedicated to only one customer.
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Object Storage service for managing corporate applications and data.
Container-based Cloud Service to manage your company applications.
Digital Company
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Private Cloud service dedicated to only one customer.
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Container-based Cloud Service to manage your company applications.
Reseller & Wholesale
Public Cloud service equipped with comprehensive features that will support your business.
Public Cloud service with pay-per-use model and simple VM deployment
Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery service to help you synchronize the main virtual server.
Object Storage service for managing corporate applications and data.
Container-based Cloud Service to manage your company applications.
Customer satisfaction is our priority. We therefore ensure all products and services to be ‘one stop solution’ to enhance your business performance.
Home / Contact Us
Central Jakarta
Menara Thamrin 12th Floor
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav.3 Jakarta 10250
T: +6221 230 2345 (Hunting)
F: +6221 230 3567
TB Simatupang
Jl. T.B. Simatupang (Kav. 10)
Jakarta Capital Region, 12430
T: +6221 750 3456.
F: +6221 759 24000
Jl. Soekarno Hatta A 5a, Malang
T: +62341 404 367
F: +62341 404 367
Jl. Pendidikan F1 No.2, Makassar
T: +62411 861 555
F: +62411 861 554
Pertokoan Teuku Umar, Blok B/12, Jl. Teuku Umar No 8, Denpasar
T: +62361 229 190
F: +62361 242 82
Raya Darmo Square Kav. R-9, Jl. Raya Darmo 54 – 56, Surabaya 60264
T: +6231567 9456
F: +6231 567 9455
Jl. Gatot Subroto No.17 ART 03/02, Debong Kulon, Tegal 52133
T: +62815 770 7233
F: +62283 352 798
Jl. Ciung Wanara No.6, Bandung 40132
T: +6222 251 5606
F: +6222 250 3686
Jl. Prof. Dr. Moch. Hasan, Simpang Surabaya, Banda Aceh
T: +62651 651 1677
F: +62651 755 1676
Central Jakarta
Menara Thamrin 12th Floor
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav.3 Jakarta 10250
T: 14052
F: +6221 230 3567
@Lintasarta Cloudeka 2023