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What is a FAQ? Does a website really need it?

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It is the moment when you are visiting a website, you might encounter a FAQ section or page. What is FAQ? A FAQ is an abbreviation for Frequently Asked Question, a page on a website where you can find a list of questions that are popular to be asked by other website visitors.

A FAQ page is a vital part of a website, especially for businesses or products. With this page, a visitor can briefly understand the product or services offered.

What is FAQ? Why is It So important?

When you are entering a website, you might have been wondering why a FAQ page section is always there. FAQ is a compilation of general questions that are often asked by visitors about the products or services of the website.

A FAQ is an integral part of the website. With its existence, visitors can find out all the general information they want to know independently without the need to ask questions via Chatbot or online customer service.

Most people might assume a FAQ page would not contribute to any marketing activities. However, A FAQ page is the most influential effort to increase visitors’ perceptions of a website. Not infrequently, they can even help with the purchase decision making just by reading the questions contained on the FAQ page.

The Importance of FAQ for a Website

Here are the reasons why a website must possess a Frequently Asked Question section page.

1. Help to answer general questions

One of the important roles of a FAQ is to help the visitors to obtain the information they might have been wondering about. It can also ease the process to understand more about the product or services offered. These questions are mostly general that visitors often ask.

With this page, visitors will not get lost when they want to explore your site. Because a FAQ page will later help navigate the visitors to get what they want.

2. Offer the best experience

You can also provide the best experience to your visitors by designing the layout of a FAQ page neatly. A good visiting experience, it will encourage visitor engagement to make purchases and of course, result in more conversions and overall sales.


3. Increase the SEO

Did you know that all the questions and answers in a FAQ page section can help Google or any other search engine platform to understand the content of the website?

From a company identity, its various kinds of products and services, to the questions about the website can be shown on the search engine result page, such as Google. This happens due to the SEO growth on your website.

In a nutshell, a FAQ page section can assist you to increase the SEO traffic easily and without having to pay for the keywords.

4. Save the time and budget

A website equipped with a comprehensive FAQ page section allows visitors to obtain the information they are looking for. Furthermore, a comprehensive FAQ page section can save visitors time to find answers to their questions.

Moreover, a company can also save more budget than they allocate for human resources to answer the question via email, message, or call. 

That’s a brief explanation of what a FAQ is and how important it is for a website.

Cloudeka is a Cloud service provider that has been established since 2011. Born by a well-known ICT company in the country, Lintasarta, provides Cloud services for both large and small-medium enterprises.